That Which Feasts On The Seventh Night - Artwork

by Ryan Nieves
Buy the Original Drawing
11.000 x 14.000 inches
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That Which Feasts On The Seventh Night - Artwork
Ryan Nieves
Drawing - Graphite
It was 10am on a Saturday morning and I just made it in time to my college math class, just after another abnormally late and very odd night at my friend's house. Over the week I had watched him become afflicted by some strange paranoia. It all started when he told me about this crazy freaky nightmare he had the previous Sunday night in which he was visited by some strange being. This worried me as the more time passed the more unhealthy, tired, delusional he began to look. Wednesday afternoon was the last time he mentioned this nightmare describing it in detail, freaking me out by his description of his visitor. This visitor, tall and lanky most of its body was covered by the surrounding darkness. He mentioned the being was pale, having four eyes, two noses, and four tentacles sprouting out of its head with dark textured wavy patterned skin. That it had a gaping maw lined with razor sharp teeth stretching from the back of its head down almost to its left shoulder. Before he could finish I urged him to stop as it was getting way to freaky and detailed for me. Since then he has been wanting me to stay over abnormally late hours at his house to hang out. Anytime I mentioned I felt like leaving he desperately insisted for me to stay as late as I can bribing me with food and entertainment. By Thursday I could tell by his behavior something was off and he was hiding something. I remember asking him if anything was wrong that Thursday night and he spaced out for a second and became furious actually making me leave early.
Friday afternoon he called me again apologizing and that he would treat me tonight to some dinner. I agreed only because I was very concerned and yet again he made me stay over late. But unlike any other time he was at his most desperate to have me stay. That night I witnessed his paranoia at its fullest form as he locked all his windows, cut all his phone lines, and barricaded the front door while I was inside as if someone was coming for him. I knew something was really, really wrong but I went along with it acting as if all was normal as my friend with a maniacal smile on his face and twitching eyes acted as if all was normal as well. Oddly making us drink coffee the whole night, I knew I had to leave and once he was distracted I found a basement window he had forgot to lock and slipped out. I called the police to go check and him as I was very concerned about him. I soon got home and went to sleep knowing it was only a couple more hours till class tomorrow. I haven't heard much news in the morning until I received a sudden call from the police saying that they wanted to question me sometime after class, oddly not mentioning anything about my friend. This weighed on my mind the whole entire class and I found it impossible to pay attention. Suddenly before class ended I watched my friend stumble into class. He look absolutely dreadful with massive bags under his eyes and even his body frame appeared skeletal. The class watched in horror as he stumbled like a zombie to my desk and mumbled “Help...” Before he just collapsed on the ground.
Emergency service were called and he was sent to the hospital, passed out the rest of the day into Sunday. All through Sunday in the hospital room he did not speak a word. I visited him in the afternoon and stayed till around 11:30am. He was silent and just stared the whole day refusing to eat or drink. Suddenly as I got up to leave around 11:30, I turned around after hearing a disturbing sound. Only to witness my friend right in front of me clawing out his own eyes. I was in shock and couldn't believe I was witnessing this, nurses stormed in the room and quickly subdued him. The next day I was told he had died exactly at 12pm by family from afar who came out to see him afterwards. I was struck with tragedy unable to grasp why or how this happened. Over the next few days police interviewed me to find out anything which could explain what happened but I was just as clueless as they were. I was shock when they pulled out a news article claiming that now 6 people have died in a similar manner. I was highly disturbed after reading that article, they let me go explaining th next interview would be tomorrow. That night I had a horrible nightmare of this nightmarishly creepy being appearing to me in the dark. I figured something was wrong, as I was having this nightmare exactly as my friend had previously described it seeing the visitor that had once haunted him. The next day since I had nothing new to say to the police I thought I would describe this nightmare to the police in detail. That night I had the same nightmare again...
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June 16th, 2017
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